is a very nice example and even a case study by which you can understand the
effects and results of a great positioning strategy. This is about an
undergarment brand which was nothing before one year and became a great brand
with their EBOs all over India.
started to notice the hoardings of Crusoe one year back when they came up with
cool creatives in which they positioned themselves as a brand made for
adventurous men interested in surfing, hiking, or scuba diving or what ever
sports that are considered to be adventurous for men. This image suddenly
caught many of the youngsters mind and the under garments became a hot topic
amidst us. Even some of my friends considered buying it as a symbol of
positioning themselves as adventurous.
what I was trying to tell that a simple positioning strategy with some
seriously cool creatives made a just another under garment makers into great
brand that could create the necessary buzz.
the one area they missed is the online platform where they can create more WOM with
even simpler activities. Their social media activities are very poor that it
won’t be enough to attract the young audience. I’m sure once they start active
online branding Crusoe can succeed over the current giants in their segment.
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